Friday 24 March 2017

Lent 2017

As many people would already know, I will be transferring to a new parish after Easter.  Many congratulate me but I am not sure what to make of it. I do not see being made a parish priest a promotion. I enjoy being a pastor but there are other responsibilities when being a parish priest in Singapore. I do prefer to be without those administrative responsibilities and concentrate on what I was called to do: to be a pastor after the heart of Jesus Christ. Yet before assuming office, I am already greatly stressed. I pray that the Lord would be able to continue helping me cope with the extra stresses.

As to this blog, I was working towards spending time communicating my thoughts and reflections but I cannot promise anything yet.  I have to get into the new parish and then reorientate everything I am used to now to see if I could contribute in the future.

God Bless!